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Learn About The Exercise Programs

12-Week RGTST

January 8, 2020

12-Week Runners Guide To Strength Training

Strength training is very vital to runners who wish to prevent injuries, incease speed and their running economy (RE). Think of it, by running we're continously pounding the ground, leaving our knees to  act as a shock absorber for the entire body. This causes wear and tear over time but by strength trainng, we strengthen the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and cartilage around the knees and this all helps increase our ability to absorb shock. So, if you can enhance your shock absorbion, you can train harder to increase your speed, your maximal aerobic capacity and lactate threshold, and these are all measures of your aerobic fitness and endurance levels. 

Rest time: 90-120 secs

Definition - Female.png

September 14, 2019

Defined - Female

If you eat a 75% clean diet and follow this program, you're bound to start seeing more definition in as little as 2 weeks. In this program we focus on performing large, complex exercises like Squats, Lunges, Push-Ups and Pull-Ups following certain repranges totalling about 60-80 reps per movement. It is important to push yourself during this program and not settle within your comfort zone. Know your threshold and walk a fine line underneath that to ensure optimal results. Rest time should also be cut short to optimze fat loss by involking the afterburn effect.
Rest time: 45-60 secs

His & Hers Formula

December 11, 2019

His & Hers Formula

Designed to make sure every minute counts, this program simultaneously increases your strength, balance, muscle density and endurance levels. This High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the quickest and most effective way to burn fat and achieve the afterburn effect. What is this afterburn effect? Glad you asked! This is the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) effect that takes place in the body after your workout. You'll probably burn anywhere from 500-750 calories each workout, but after your workout, your body needs more oxygen to help restore your energy levels (ATP). This is where the afterburn effects comes into play, given this need for more energy, your body breaks down fat and converts that into energy to utilize for about 24 - 36 hours post-workout. 

Rest time: 30-45 secs


July 5, 2019

Shredded - Male

Is it possible to increase muscle density and simultaineously burn fat? Yes! but you'll need to be very holsitic in your approach, right from your kitchen to the number of reps you'll be performing at the gym. This program focuses on high intensity, afterburn inducing exercises designed to increase your testosterone, human growth homomones (HGH) and muscle density. Diet also plays a big factor here, basicaly you want to be using more energy (Calories) than you're consumung in order to stimulate the fat loss. In order to maximize muscle growth, you'll want to train with heavy weights (80% 1RM) and moderate volume (60-80 reps). These causes higher amounts of mechanical stress imposed on muscles which makes for greater activation of muscle fibres. And the product of this is a greater adaptation across a larger percentage of the muscle tissue. 
Rest time: 45-90 secs


November 5, 2019

Aggressive Strength Explosiveness

Lift heavy. Not implying you need to test your one rep max (1RM) every week, this wont make you stronger and actually will have the reverse effect. During this program you'll need to work between 75-90% of your 1RM, aiming for 12-20 reps in total for 2-3 compound movements. Combining compound exercises with the appropriate amount of sets and rep  ranges for strength gain, this proram is perfect for anyone with a solid weight lifting foundation that is looking to gain more strength and explosiveness. 
Rest time: 2-5 min

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